Title: "Panorama taken on the deck of Whetstone Station Restaurant & Brewery, overlooking the Connecticut River." Or "What Summer Should Be" |
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Home Again, Home Again, Travel is Done!
I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post! Time has flown by. At the beginning of August the husband, the Puggle and I visited his family for a rather large family reunion in Illinois. After that I was home just a few days before jetting off again to see my family in New Hampshire for a much smaller reunion. I hung out with a cousin I hadn't seen in 19 years, got hugs from aunts and uncles, and marveled at how much we've all grown up. I spent lots of time with my beautiful nieces, having tea parties, visiting petting farms, and letting them cover me in makeup. And I even got to stop in for a beer with an old friend at a brewery that is in both New Hampshire & Vermont.
I'm back to work now, attempting to remake some sold out bracelets, and designing a few new ones for the upcoming holiday season. I'm planning to make about 300 charm bracelets in the next 4 months. Think I can do it???
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You can totally meet that goal. Because you totally rock.