While I was putting away some yarns yesterday, I came across a partially finished dishtowel in my drawer of cotton yarns. I had started a set of 3 dishtowels when we were in the process of buying our house back in 2016. The colors were inspired by a dichroic glass sculpture a neighbor had given me for our new home, that contained shimmering pink, blue and green. The pattern is a free one from Lion Brand called
Cottontail Dishtowels, and the yarn is Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton,
which I don't really recommend because it splits like crazy. Update: I LOVE how well this cotton works
as a dishcloth. It's thick and sturdy, and great at scrubbing pans. It might be a pain to crochet with, but it's a dream to clean with.
In-progress towel I finished yesterday. |
Back in 2016 I had finished the first one, and had gotten through 2/3 of the second one, before abandoning it due to the move and from frustration. The cotton is the Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton which splits like crazy as you work. And evidently I was using a wooden hook that had a very sharp point, which kept getting caught between the strands, making the problem worse, but all my other hooks in that size had been packed.
New towel made while devouring The Keepers on Netflix. |
Since I really needed some space in that drawer, I decided to take an hour or so, and finish the in-progress towel. While I was at it, I put on The Keepers on Netflix. An hour later I had finished the towel, but was HOOKED on the documentary series, so I started on the third towel. I whipped through that while watching the remaining episodes. Best part? I emptied out a bunch of space in that drawer for new dishcloth yarns.
Original towel I made back in 2016. |